Gods and Goddesses



“We forget about the space between the stars, the pure and perfect space that’s also the eye of God. To penetrate the mystery is to become the mystery; to penetrate infinity is to become infinity; to penetrate light is to become light.”

– Rama

The Inner Cry


“The inner cry is a very good way to meditate. As you’re sitting there in meditation, just cry inwardly to God, to that source, to your spiritual teacher if you have one, to a particular god or goddess, a celestial being in a higher plane that you’re drawn to. As you sit and meditate, reach with your whole being. Cry like a child, not with tears or unhappiness, but just reach. For example, if you were meditating with your whole being on Lakshmi, the goddess of light and beauty, you might repeat her name. You might, with your whole being, just say, “Lakshmi, Lakshmi, Lakshmi” silently inside yourself. If you do this with great intensity just for a few minutes, it will bring your heart out, and the power of your love will attract a higher reality to you.”



“The highest type of meditation is done in silence. In silence there are no mantras. Mantras can help you to enter into silence. Mantras are not essential, but they can be very helpful.
There are thousands of mantras. Everyone has favorites. I prefer three – Aum, Sring and Kring.

Aum is the most powerful of all mantras. It is good to chant “Aum” seven or more times before and after each meditation. Chanting “Aum” puts you in harmony with the vibration of Eternity. “Aum” opens the gateway to the infinite highway of light.”


“I also like Lakshmi’s mantra. Lakshmi is a celestial being who lives in a higher plane of existence, another world. Her mantra is “Sring.” S-R-I-N-G. When you chant it, it brings beauty and light into your consciousness. Someday you might try starting your meditation with Sring.  Try chanting Sring for five minutes and see what happens. You’ll find that your whole consciousness will fill with light.”

– Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz



“Another time you might try Kali’s mantra. Kali, of course, is another celestial being. She offers very fast spiritual progress through intensity. Her mantra is “Kring.” K-R-I-N-G. When you chant Kring, chant it very intensely and sharply. When you chant Kring, you’ll feel power entering your being. Only chant Kring, though, when you’re in a high meditation. While you can chant Aum and Sring and most other mantras at the beginning of your meditation, or any time you like, Kring will only really work when you’re already in a meditative state. You would chant Kring towards the end of your meditation a few times very intensely and then sit and meditate for a few more minutes.”
– Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz



“Pray for grace. Reach to the eternal. While the eternal has an impersonal aspect, it also has a personal aspect – it has both. Eternity does live and does exist and it does answer our prayers. At the same time it has an impersonal aspect which disregards all of existence. Approach the personal aspect. If you need money and you know that your father won’t give you any, you can go to your mother. Even though your father turned you down, your mother may slip you a twenty. In the same sense, the impersonal aspect of existence may ignore you, but then there’s the personal aspect. There are intermediaries, the gods and goddesses, the celestial beings that help many spiritual seekers who have prayed to them. Just as you may not be able to reach the president of a company, if you can reach an intermediary, they can go and intercede with the president of the company and help you reach that person, so there are carrier beings, gods, goddesses, who aid many spiritual seekers and have throughout the ages.

The Right Prayer

“There is only one prayer, and that is the prayer for light, the prayer for purity, the prayer for perfection. To pray for material things just to fulfill your desires is silly. You’ll only bind yourself further. You must know and trust that if those things are necessary they will come, and if they don’t come, they’re not necessary.”

All gods and goddesses, beings and places, astral worlds, physical worlds, the samadhis, all come forth from nirvana.

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