Friends with God


“Getting to know God involves a tremendous tremendous openness.
God is the universe but not the universe that you see or feel.” 

– Master Rama

“Only a humble person can come to know God because the humble person can recognize that there is something more powerful more complete and more perfect than they are.

Without this recognition it’s impossible to get to know God.

The humble person can also accept that life is a wonderful mystery. Life is a very mysterious thing and that God is the mystery of life. The vain self seeking people will seek to explain God away by defining God.”

“God has always existed and will always exist.

God is existence.” 

 – Rama

“Try meditating with your whole heart. When you meditate with your whole heart, feel that God is standing right in front of you. Then feel that God has entered your heart. Now feel that you have entered into God and that you are everywhere.”

– Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz

“The way you make friends with God, well, how do you make friends with a bird? Well, birds are curious creatures. They tend to keep to themselves, but the way you make friends with the bird is you make a little bit of a kind of an offering of a friendship, a little food or something. Give the bird some food. But you don’t ask anything of the bird. Then you give it a little more food, and so on, and over a period of time the bird might come and visit you. Maybe the bird won’t…

…There’s a basic religious principle that they understood and that’s the sacrifice. Giving God something is a way to start a conversation anyway. But they misunderstood that you don’t give a thing. How can you give something to someone who has everything?

God has everything except one thing. Friends. God doesn’t have friends. So the one thing that you can give God, that will truly impress God is friendship.”

RAMA – How to Make Friends with God

The way to God is meditation. That’s how you get to know God. When you meditate you experience God. That’s meditation.

– Dr Frederick Lenz, Rama

God Realization

“To realize God means to see your own eternality in all things, in all places, at all times.”

The Eye of God

“The eye of God is inside us. It’s looking through us and it sees whatever we look at. Sometimes I think we could give God better things to look at than the things we focus on, don’t you?”

The Stillness of God

“The stillness of God is perfect. Nothing has to be added to it, nothing can be taken away.”

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